my heart aches to know its own magic;
to send with each exhale a song of the moment.
a celebration of every experience,
that knows no judgment
but rejoices in the pure beauty
of knowing new faces of life.
intimately, and deeply, i embrace each experience.
like a summertime romance that is fleeting but deep
an imprint with depth due not to time spent,
but love shared and magic made.
oh, come join me, let's take down our walls.
so truth can flow between us, its clear resonance sung, and heard, and held.
and we sigh and relax with relief at the sound of this music we all so long to hear
simply named: authenticity.
there is nothing of which to be afraid, for we are eternally held
cocooned by the grace and love of one spirit that lives and breathes in us all.
just look in my eyes and you'll see i'm sincere, you'll know that i know it's true:
there's nothing you could ever think, say, or do, that could keep Spirit from loving YOU.
feeling this love inside me,
i look back on my past selves with deep compassion.
all the effort and worrying i put into making the "right" choices, and pleasing those around me
thinking that love had to be earned and could just as easily be taken away.
but now that i know i am cradled in a deep embrace of complete unconditional love,
all i keep thinking is: I have sooooooo much fun and mistake-making to catch up on!
so i've let down my locks and dropped my defenses
the sign on my door has been tossed.
my heart is wide open, my shoes kicked away
and rain or shine,
i'm gonna DANCE.
(dance with me!)