Friday, May 8, 2009
things that make me smiley and twinkley-eyed
in honour of a lovely friend-soul that just passed away two days ago, *miss beth* i have vowed to use my energy to focus on the gifts and sunshine in my life.
1. my friend will's beautiful music. check it:
2. people like will who remind us that we are free, connected, beautiful, and here to love each other.
3. kombucha. being slightly afraid of the little kombucha organism bobbing around in the tea, and then swallowing it anyways! :O
4. my little amethyst friends who hang out in my bedroom and keep everything fresh and clear. and all my other little crystal children too!
5. dirty bare feet.
*love & light*
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
sometimes i just need an outlet. even if i'm not necessarily being creative, or productive, or positive, it's important for me to have a place to unleash the weird peculiarities and fearsome worries that sometimes get locked up in this silly mind of mine.
(left: nature of mind, by alex gray*)
writing into a place where i know i am understood and accepted unconditionally, i know that i am welcomed and loved. i know that in this enveloping love and acceptance i can find my way again, since almost all imbalances and energy blockages are the result of an absence of divine love. when i remember that i am loved and accepted unconditionally, i regain my intuitive ability to differentiate between the thoughts and things that serve me and those that do not.
writing in a blog has been a big leap for me. it's not that i don't feel vulnerable or gaping-open and exposed when i write about personal things, it's that i have come to the realization that we are not separate: that we all experience pain, insecurity, sorrow, revelation, joy and ecstasy, all together, and sharing with others helps me to humble myself in each and every one of these experiences, and to create a wider and deeper space for compassion inside my own heart. i know that if you judge me because of these things, maybe you just have not accepted your emotional or hurting self. i know that when i judge myself, i create a divide that only alienates me from my own self and subsequently from others, and i think that the toxicity in these "down" moments is not the low feelings themselves but the judgments we attach to them.
there's nothing negative about pain, except that we are taught to judge it as such. it's in the deep, dark places that our roots grow, and the deeper they are, the higher our branches can reach towards the sky. these dark, shadow aspects are what make us most powerful, compassionate, grounded, and balanced.
any time i despair, or feel alone, sad, scared, angry, i step outside of myself and observe myself from above, from the divine, and this always helps me put it into proper perspective. i see this perspective as my great divine mother, and sometimes even as my dying self reflecting on my own life and telling me how to respond to each situation from this perspective. viewing life as impermanent, and thinking about my "dying self" is not in any way morbid, because for me it is a way of remembering to drink the juices of each moment. it helps me to reflect on how i would wish myself to live if i were on my last few breaths, how i would wish i had lived my life.
i'm with dave matthews... i can't believe that we would lie in our graves, wondering if we had spent our living days well, dreaming of things that might've been...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"White Dog signals a breakthrough in your life: new beginnings, new perceptions, new allies and friends. As you express more authentically who you are, you draw your true family closer to you.With your guides and companions, you have the ability to manifest your inspired visions and dreams. Recognize the eyes and hearts that spark the remembrance of a sacred trust.
"The harmonic wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction of like vibration or substances for one another. Spiritual affinity is not limited to family kinship - it is part of the natural affinity between companions of destiny. Such companions of are drawn together by the same aligned force that draws iron filings to a magnet. Companions of destiny are drawn togther to do work that is naturally harmonious.
"On the surface at times, it may seem that you have little in common with these companions, yet the attraction remains. This is because Essence Selves are often committed to work together long before they meet in the physical world. This is a natural process of affinity, rather than a process motivated from personal desire. Follow this guidance into your unfoldment within the larger pattern."
Saturday, March 14, 2009
fear versus life.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
love's unspoken secrets.

contrary to what i thought at the time, this was not real love but a playful preview or glimpse of it. a few days after that, i found myself pulled to go away on a spontaneous weekend trip that seemed absolutely necessary, despite the 700 reasons why i really should have stayed home.
on the 8-hour drive to ottawa, us three girls could feel a building of magic and energy that we unconsciously knew was going to lead up to something fantastic and otherworldly. in hindsight we recognize that our intuitions were so incredibly correct. that evening we arrived at the home of a sunshiney group of men who were so warm and welcoming that we immediately knew they were our brothers. then, something started to happen to me.
without conscious effort or awareness, i became drawn to adam as his words and energy slowly hypnotized me into a floaty-blissful stupor that made my body sweat and my eyes and skin twinkle and shine. every idea he brought up in conversation paralleled with those things i had been meditating on in the past few months and had been discussing on the drive up with the ladies. i know that every little part of our individual paths had lead us up to that very moment where we would meet as equals to share a connection stronger than anything my body has ever been accustomed to. the universe had conspired for us to meet. as soon as i felt it, i knew that i had opened the doors to the universe and ever since then it's gifts have been pouring into my life and filling every dark corner of my soul with light. i am soul-iverse.
he is my white overtone world bridger, my higher self and guide. i am his 'little' white self-existing dog, hee hee!
together we are yellow electric warrior; our energies combined will take us on a return path to the stars. alone we are powerful but together, through trust, we journey to the place of 'no time' and limitless light. There we will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
fly on the wall of your heart
don't you hide your handsome face from me,
I wanna see you half-lit in the half-light
laughing with the whites of your dark eyes
way over yonder, I'm waiting and wondering
wither your fonder heart lies
come out, the streets are breathing
heaving green to red to green
come with your nicotine and wine
tambourine keeping time
come and find me in the evening
way over yonder, I'm waiting and wondering
wither your fonder heart lies
way over yonder, I'm waiting and wondering
wither your fonder heart lies
come out, come inspired
you will not come to harm
if I cannot take you for a liar or a lover
I'll take you for my brother in arms
way over yonder, I'm waiting and wondering
wither your fonder heart lies
way over yonder, I'm waiting and wondering
wither your fonder heart lies
~~~~anais mitchell*
*i fell in love :)
i am speechless.
Monday, February 16, 2009
up, up, and away ~

October 15, 2008
Thursday, February 12, 2009
la lune.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
sweet-honey hues of love
..::in this little blog i tend to write a lot about self-improvement, my funny little thoughts and wannabe-pearls-of-wisdom. usually when i write about something, it is following some huge epiphany i've just had that is the result of me finally finding my way out of a maze after making a bazillion wrong turns and hitting walls. the thing is, i'm only out of one little maze within a maze within another maze within another one, and that will probably continue to exist until the day i die, and that is life...i think. and the chances are that i will probably find myself moseying about in that same conundrum again a month later, until i remember that i know how to get out. i'm silly like that.
and as with love, i guess the reason i'm all about it is because i need it so, and lucky for me, i have so many amazing people in my life who fill me up with so much of it that i begin overflowing with it, and thus have so much to give. can thank them. hmmm... maybe the way we give love away is like the way a mailperson delivers letters, except the sender and recipient are not necessarily specified (or are they?!?!)... maybe not such a good analogy, but this is the way my mind works. haha. maybe we just soak up all different energies from the universe and carry it around with us, channeling it into art, music, exchanges with others...a continuous flow of energy. unfortunately it's not always positive, but it's real nonetheless, and the process is pretty amazing if you look at it that way.
something that is rather new to me is the concept of self-love. at first it was such a far-out idea for me that i couldn't do it. eventually i learned to give myself love by imagining the way i would give someone else love...and by doing that i felt like i was channeling in to some kind of shared supply that we all have access to, if we believe in it, and felt washed over with this feeling of oneness that felt so... primitive and cosmic. but even this requires that we have positive relationships and experiences with others that lend themselves to this type of feeling, that we know what love feels like, and well... that's kind of what the secret life of bees is all about.
anyway, without any further ado, i would like to post the quote that i logged on here to share with you. it's from the book, and i hope you enjoy it.
"I hadn't been out to the hives before, so to start off she gave me a lesson in what she called 'bee yard etiquette.' She reminded me that the world was one really big bee yard, and the same rules worked fine in both places: Don't be afraid, as no life-loving bee wants to sting you. Still, don't be an idiot; wear long sleeves and long pants. Don't swat. Don't even think about swatting. If you feel angry, whistle. Anger agitates, while whistling melts a bee's temper. Act like you know what you're doing, even if you don't. Above all, send the bees love. Every little thing wants to be loved." -Sue Monk Kidd
Sunday, January 25, 2009
a slice of humble pie.
thanks for that.
i think that one of the reasons i want to help people is because i have a great deal of tolerance for people suffering from various personal troubles: i have been an emotional basketcase for most of my life, and have probably spent more of my energy analyzing and reflecting on the work of my mind than on anything else. but along with my empathy for others comes this subconscious expectation that others should be able to recover from similar experiences using the same routes that i have. sometimes i can get a little too preach-y, and the end result is that the person just feels worse because my attempts have left them feeling as though they don't have the resources to solve their own problems. f$%k, i wish i didn't do that. i really don't mean to be condescending. i have to remind myself regularly that sometimes wisdom is knowing when not to speak.
i guess that's the risk you take when you log in one of these public blogs: that you may offend someone with the way you say things, and get in trouble... especially when the very important nonverbal element of communication is absent. it's unavoidable, really, and there's no way i can truthfully speak my mind without stirring up some kind of objection. that being said, i really appreciate being challenged and having someone give that creeping ego of mine a slap on the wrist. sometimes i don't even know that my ego is involved until it is assaulted, and man i hate admitting that i'm on an ego trip, but always feel thankful for the humility vibe that reminds me where i really stand.
so thanks, you.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
this little light of mine...

Monday, January 19, 2009
om shanti shanti shanti

Thursday, January 8, 2009
why are you here?

sometimes when i wake up in the morning, i do this thing where i sit up in bed, think about my dreams and evaluate my post-dream-state ~state of mind. then i grab my journal and try to put into words the morning-frazzle of thoughts floating around in there, in effort to come to some kind of mindful awareness of where i am and what i'm feeling.
lately i have been thinking a lot about my comfort zone and my fears, and i can't help but notice that many of my dreams are filled with wonky little manifestations of my fears being fulfilled or overcome. sometimes they are deep-seated subconscious fears, like my old recurring dream where i am the only person in a fast-moving car, but stuck in the passenger's seat and unable to reach the brakes to make the car stop. other times they are just little scenarios about something i'm currently concerned about. either way, i like how i can later sort of 'witness' my dreams like an outsider and learn something about myself from them.
last night in my dreams i went to a yoga in constant motion class, and it was much less scary than i had anticipated-- although my dream didn't last long enough to play through the entire experience. no doubt this happened because i had yoga last night and my instructor told me that i should come to yoga in constant motion on thursday (tonight) to make up a missed class. my choice is between a level 2 class which may not be very challenging, or the constant motion class which will probably push me about as far as i can go. my level 3 class is usually enough of a challenge for me, so i'm a bit nervous about the constant motion class.
so...why does any of this matter? well... i suppose it has lead me to re-evaluate why i am doing yoga in the first place. make the question even more expansive: what am i doing here at all, since the yoga journey is inherently connected and paralleled with the life-journey. if it is for the ego, then all of my efforts are in vain, because as Ram Dass puts it, "as long as you have an ego, you are on a limited trip". i will not deny that my ego has a role, and i am glad that i am learning to recognize this now rather than later...since i sure have a long way to go and that ego is a real heavy piece of luggage to drag around.
it's time to step-up the ego-watching center and start thinking about intentionality: what am i doing here? what am i looking for? what do i hope to accomplish? why? shame and guilt are not feelings i wish to foster, however, so *self-compassion* is going to be key. love yourself first, and everything else will fall into place.
transcend transcend transcend~*
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
honk if you love menstruation!
Something about this landscape just don't feel right
Hyper air conditioned and lit up all night
But we just got to see how comfortable comfortable can get
Like we can't even bring ourselves to sweat
Like we can't even bring ourselves to sweat
Sweat in the summer, shiver in the winter
Just enough to know that we're alive
Watch out for that tv it's full of splinters
And remember you can always go outside
Really really really really far outside
Some might call it conservation
Some might call it common sense
And maybe its because I am Libra
But I say balance, balance, balance, balance
I say balance, balance, balance, balance
Who put all this stuff in my apartment
Who put all this ice in my drink
Who put the poison in the atmosphere
Who put the poison in the way I think
Oh women, won't you be our windows?
Women who bleed and bleed and bleed
Women who swell with the tide
Women who change when the wind blows
Show us, we are not separate from everything
Show us we are connected to everything
Heres to the trials of living
Heres to feeling our share of pain
All the way from childbirth to dying
Staying connected to everything
Being connected to everything
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
note to self:
